The ultimate portable roaster machine seeks to connect the coffee industry community through roasting technology. It is the perfect companion for professionals to small roast batches to cup, sample or brew blissfully.
The ultimate portable roaster machine seeks to connect the coffee industry community through roasting technology. It is the perfect companion for professionals to small roast batches to cup, sample or brew blissfully.
The ultimate portable roaster machine seeks to connect the coffee industry community through roasting technology. It is the perfect companion for professionals to small roast batches to cup, sample or brew blissfully.
Traditional roasters can scorch the beans if not done correctly. The KL is the only roaster in the market that start at room temperature, roasting the green coffee beans evenly and mitigating any risk of burnt beans.
With a range of profiles to make your roast as simple or as complicated as you wish, we put the power back into your hands, where you are the driver of the flavour expression you’d like to create.
With a range of profiles to make your roast as simple or as complicated as you wish, we put the power back into your hands, where you are the driver of the flavour expression you’d like to create.
상호/대표자명: (주)고메웍스/오인석
사업자등록번호: 702-88-02698 통신판매업 신고번호: 제2023-성남 분당 A-0368 호
대표 전화번호: 010 9694 9222
Office Address : 경기도 성남시 분당구 판교역로 136, 101동 607호 (백현동)
Warehouse : 경기도 광주시 광남안로 50-32
C.S : 031-699-1788 ㅣ Fax : (0504) 478 9222ㅣ Mail :
입금계좌 : 우리은행 1005 004 434375 (주)고메웍스